The Positioning of the Institute of Advanced Sciences (IAS)
The Institute of Advanced Sciences (IAS) was established in October 2014 after YNU received a University Reform and Strengthening Grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to undertake research in fields relating to safety engineering and risk, which are areas where YNU is particularly strong. Based on an approach that emphasizes “risk symbiosis,” the IAS is an organization that aims to be an international research center that will contribute toward the development of appropriate ways to respond to risk in 21st century society and the realization of a vigorous, sustainable global society where people can enjoy safety and peace of mind. The IAS also has a role to play in further enhancing the research capabilities of YNS, by promoting focused research within an advanced framework, and by creating international research hubs in relevant fields. In April 2023, an additional institute – the Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences (IMS) – was established alongside the IAS to create a university-wide research framework that will accelerate and develop the initiatives referred to above, and will promote research which aims to strengthen diversity and which embodies a strong awareness of the importance of contributing to society and of co-creation with society.

Framework for Collaboration with External Partners
In recent years, the competition in the university sector to secure high-level international research talent has become increasingly intense, and the movement of research talent between countries has accelerated. Faced with this environment, the IAS has made the recruitment and securing of first-rate foreign researchers a priority, and has been proceeding with the putting in place of the necessary systems. It has been forging an international collaboration network with overseas companies, overseas universities, and other international partner organizations, aimed at realizing the YNU’s vision, and has been strengthening measures to build itself into an International Network Hub that will be at the center of innovative, high-level research activities. In addition, by implementing initiatives for ongoing strengthening of collaboration with non-academic bodies, including the local community and industry, the IAS is aiming both to enhance international research capabilities and promote the social implementation of research results.
Faculty Profile
The latest IAS and IMS faculty profile brochure is available at PR Media Archives page