The Establishment of the Institutes for Advanced Research at Yokohama National University – Background and Aims

The Institute of Advanced Sciences (IAS) was founded in 2014 to promote world-class scientific research. Specializing in the fields of quantum technology and energy, the IAS has steadily built up an impressive track record as a research center that constantly strives for excellence. YNU’s development of specialized institutes has not stopped with IAS; in 2023, YNU established Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences (IMS) to undertake interdisciplinary research with an emphasis on diversity. The core units in the IAS’s organizational structure are the Quantum Information Research Center (QIC), and the Advanced Chemical Energy Research Center (ACERC), both of which undertake in-depth research on advanced technology with a technology-driven approach. The IMS has an organizational structure centered around the Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center (TRC), the Research Center for Sustainability, Resilience and Well-being, and the Semiconductor and Quantum Integrated Electronics Research Center (SQIE), and it works to develop new academic fields and promote the implementation of the technology generated in these fields in society.

The two institutes are working actively to build trans-national research groups; they are expanding the environment for researchers with an international mindset to operate in through the strengthening of collaboration with overseas universities and research institutes, and they are promoting the formation of research groups characterized by diversity. Through these initiatives, the institutes seek to further strengthen research capabilities aimed at knowledge integration which combines innovation with diversity, and at creating value for society.

Professor and Vice Director of Institute of Advanced Sciences