Conferment ceremony for IAS Visiting Associate Professor Masayuki Tanabe
田邊 IAS客員准教授は、コンビナート・エネルギー安全研究ユニットにおいて、日揮株式会社 HSEエンジニアの経験と実績を活かし、我が国の産業基盤である石油化学コンビナートやエネルギー関連施設の安全性高度化、安全安心科学の学理構築と社会実装実現のための研究開発ならびに学生指導を行います。
Yokohama National University conferred upon Dr. Masayuki Tanabe (JGC Corporation) the title of IAS Visiting Associate Professor. The conferment ceremony took place on June 3, 2015.
IAS Visiting Associate Professor Masayuki Tanabe was appointed as Adjunct Investigator of the Research Unit: Safety and Risk Management of Process Industry & Energy Systems of the Institute of Advanced Sciences (IAS) and will conduct research on loss prevention, hazard identification, risk management and safety promotion of technological systems such as process industries and energy systems for a safer, more secure and sustainable society.
Photo taken after the conferment ceremony on June 3, 2015. From left to right: IAS Research Strategy Manager Kazuyoshi Nanjo, IAS Visiting Associate Professor Masayuki Tanabe, and Professor Atsumi Miyake (Principal Investigator of the Research Unit: Safety and Risk Management of Process Industry & Energy Systems).