スペンサー上席特別教授 曽我上席特別教授 着任
Distinguished YNU Professors Spencer and Soga appointed
2015年6月1日、イリノイ大学 アーバナ・シャーンペーン校(米国)のビリー・スペンサー博士とケンブリッジ大学(英国)の曽我健一博士が着任され、本学から上席特別教授の称号を授与されました。授与式は、6月8日に開催。
Dr. Billie F. Spencer from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) and Dr. Kenichi Soga from University of Cambridge (UK) arrived at Yokohama National University, and the University conferred upon them the title of Distinguished YNU Professor. The conferment ceremony was held on June 8, 2015.
Distinguished YNU Professors Spencer and Soga take the lead as the Principal Investigator of the Research Unit: Safety and Resilience of Infrastructure and Infrastructure Systems of the Institute of Advanced Sciences in charge of conducting research on structural health monitoring and smart infrastructure, respectively.

Photo taken after the conferment ceremony on June 8, 2015. (Top) Left: Professor Yuichi Hasebe, President of Yokohama National University and Director of Institute of Advanced Sciences; Right: Distinguished YNU Professor Billie F. Spencer. (Bottom) Left: Professor Yuichi Hasebe; Right: Distinguished YNU Professor Kenichi Soga.