ファン・イーテンIAS連携教授 着任
IAS Adjunct Professor Michel van Eeten appointed
2015年7月6日、デルフト工科大学(オランダ)のMichel van Eeten博士が着任され、本学からIAS連携教授の称号を授与されました。授与式は、7月8日に開催。
Michel van Eeten IAS連携教授は、先端科学高等研究院の情報・物理セキュリティ研究ユニットにおいてサイバーセキュリティ全般に関する研究に従事し、特に、サイバーセキュリティエコノミクス研究について担当します。
Dr. Michel van Eeten (Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) arrived on July 6, 2015 at Yokohama National University, and the University conferred upon him the title of the title of IAS Adjunct Professor. The conferment ceremony took place on July 8, 2015.
IAS Adjunct Professor Michel van Eeten was appointed as Adjunct Investigator of the Research Unit: Information and Physical Security of the Institute of Advanced Sciences and will conduct research on anti-malware based cyber-security with the emphasis on cyber-security economics.
Photo taken after the conferment ceremony on July 8, 2015. From left to right: Professor Koichi Fujie, Vice-Director of Institute of Advanced Sciences; IAS Adjunct Professor Michel van Eeten; and Associate Professor Katsunari Yoshioka (Collaborating Investigator of the Research Unit: Information and Physical Security).