Yi Lu博士にIAS招聘准教授の称号付与
Conferment ceremony for IAS Visiting Associate Professor Yi Lu
2015年7月14日、Yi Lu博士(シンガポール国立大学、シンガポール)はIAS招聘准教授の称号を授与されました。
Yi Lu IAS招聘准教授は、先端科学高等研究院のグローバル経済社会のリスク研究ユニットにおいて貿易・直接投資と経済社会リスクを研究します。
Yokohama National University conferred upon Dr. Yi Lu (Department of Economics, National University of Singapore, Singapore) the title of IAS Visiting Associate Professor. The conferment ceremony took place on July 14, 2015.
IAS Visiting Associate Professor Yi Lu will work together with researchers in the Research Unit: Risks and Uncertainties in the Economy of the Institute of Advanced Sciences.
Photo taken after the Photo taken after the conferment ceremony on July 14, 2015. From left to right: Professor Koichi Fujie, Vice-Director of Institute of Advanced Sciences and IAS Visiting Associate Professor Yi Lu.