織山和久IAS客員教授 着任
IAS Visiting Professor Kazuhisa Oriyama appointed
Dr. Kazuhisa Oriyama (archinet, inc.) arrived on June 1, 2015 at Yokohama National University, and the University conferred upon him the title of IAS Visiting Professor. The conferment ceremony took place on November 17, 2015.
IAS Visiting Professor Kazuhisa Oriyama was appointed as Adjunct Investigator of the Research Unit: Next Generation Urban Habitats of the Institute of Advanced Sciences (IAS) and will conduct research on the Wooden Densely Built Up Residential area.
Photo taken after the conferment ceremony on Novembmer 17, 2015. From left: Professor Koichi Fujie, Vice-Director of Institute of Advanced Sciences, and IAS Visiting Professor Kazuhisa Oriyama.