中山等IAS客員研究員着任/ IAS Visiting Researcher Hitoshi Nakayama appointed



Mr. Hitoshi Nakayama (Japan Science and Technology Agency) arrived on October 1st at Yokohama National University, and the University conferred upon him the title of IAS Visiting Researcher. The conferment ceremony took place on November 18, 2015.

IAS Visiting Researcher Hitoshi Nakayama was appointed as an Adjunct Investigator of the Research Unit: Safety and Resilience of Infrastructure and Infrastructure Systems of the Institute of Advanced Sciences (IAS) and will promote industry-academic collaborative research conducted by the Unit.

Photo taken after the conferment ceremony on Novembmer 18, 2015. From left: Professor Koichi Fujie, Vice-Director of Institute of Advanced Sciences, and IAS Visiting Researcher Hitoshi Nakayama.