デイビッド・ミューア・ウッド IAS招聘教授着任
IAS Visiting Professor David Muir Wood appointed
David Muir Wood (University of Dundee, UK)arrived on September 1, 2017 at Yokohama National University, and the University conferred upon him the title of IAS Visiting Professor. The conferment ceremony took place on September 4, 2017.
IAS Visiting Professor David Muir Wood was appointed as Adjunct Investigator of the Research Unit: Safety and Resilience of Infrastructure and Infrastructure Systems of the Institute of Advanced Sciences (IAS).
A Photo taken after the conferment ceremony on September 4, 2017. From left: Professor Atsumi Miyake, Vice-Director of IAS, Distinguished YNU Professor Yozo Fujino, IAS Visiting Professor David Muir Wood, and Associate Professor Mamoru Kikumoto.